Thursday, 29 March 2012

Things to consider in an Electronics Component Distributor for Obsolete Parts

The rapidly advancing technology has resulted in a greater emphasis on quality and performance. Therefore, it comes as no surprise to find electronic components becoming outdated even before they hit the market of users. Whether it is for commercial, military or industrial applications, it is easy to find these obsolete electronics. An electronic component distributor is the perfect answer for those having the requirement of these outdated parts. In the section below, we have emphasized on the various things to seek in a distributor and the reasons why these parts may become obsolete.

Why do parts become obsolete?
There are several reasons due to which the parts may become outdated, these may include –

  • Rapid changes in the technology for faster and better parts

  • End of the lifecycle that may stop the supply of the component

  • Changes in the government policies

  • Restrictions on the materials used for manufacture due to environmental policies

  • Things to consider in an Electronics components distributor
    In the section below, we have discussed the various things to consider for those on the lookout of obsolete electronics items -
    Certifications - It is important to consider whether the electronics component distributor has valid industry certifications. These may include ISO 9001:2008 and ANSI/ESD-S20.20 for obsolete electronic parts.

    Inventory– While seeking to procure obsolete components, it is important to find a distributor that has a vast inventory and provide faster turnaround times in delivering these components.

    Variety – Most electronics t distributors have obsolete items that have various industrial, commercial and military applications. The client should be able to access the vast inventory in order to make his choice.

    Easy to search – The electronic component distributors should have easy to fill forms with fields such as the part number, quantity and the delivery schedules. Once this form is filled and submitted the distributor should get in touch with the client with their quotes.

    Support- The distributor of electronic components should have a good support team that provides 24/7 support to the clients in either helping them find their required parts or resolving any issues. Most distributors have a support staff that is well versed with these components and help to resolve any queries from their side.

    Shipping– The distributor should provide local as well as international deliveries of the products. This is useful for the clients who just need to place their orders on the component distributor’s website.

    M.S. Hi-Tech., Inc. is a reputable electronic component distributor that offers procurement and inventory management solutions to assist customers throughout the global electronics supply chain. To find out more about the services and products they offer, logon to,

    Thursday, 8 March 2012

    Things that Make an Electronics Component Distributor Indispensable

    Electronic components are a vital part of many industries and are a subject of constant evolution. This means that a lot of component used in the electronics industry are outdated in the wink of the eye. An Electrical Component Distributor is vital for any organization requiring electronic products constantly for their production demands. These distributors not only help in providing convenience but also meet the constant demands of technology. A client can gain maximum benefits by expediting their supply in to the market with an extensive inventory created with the help of an electronics distributor.
    In the section below, we have discussed the various ways in which the electronics component distributors are proving to be vital for clients –
    • Most component distributors of electronics components help its clients in components that are hard to find, obsolete or at the end of their working life. In many cases, prices of component may be inflated due to shortages of certain components. In such cases, various industries can procure these components from the distributors at reasonable prices. An experienced component distributor offers worldwide deliveries along with the required volumes for any organization.
    • Any manufacturer may require stocking of electronic components as it helps to cut down costs and to increase the inventory for future use. The distributor aids the manufacturer in receiving the lowest quotes and quality on all components.
    • In many cases, clients are aided by component distributor in buying some items where the manufacturer has offered last time buy notices. Hence, the client can benefit from after sales and component replacement services in the longer run.
    • A component distributor helps to provide an umbrella to the client against the steep price rises of electronic components that are forever in demand. This helps in building a strong inventory in the longer run for the client.
    • One of the important advantages of hiring the service of an electronics component distributor is that if offers mutual benefits. This means that both the parties need to protect each other’s business and legal interests.
    • A good technical support for an electronics component distributor is an added advantage as their technical knowledge is useful in resolving any issues that may concern the components.
    Electronic component distributors can be vital for the growth of any business and in availing long-term benefits. Visit Electrical Component Distributor for details.